We’ve teamed up with our eco-friends at Seep to share some top tips on how to spring clean your kitchen, sustainably! Seep’s 100% compostable, plastic-free sponges and cloths are the perfect companion to our trusty ethical cleaning products.

Is that a whiff of spring in the air? Temperature reaching the TEENS?! Daffodils already blooming?!

Blimey, it seems like it’s been a long old winter. If you feel like you’ve neglected the cleaning over the past few weeks (or months!), then rest assured you’re not alone. In between Christmas being cancelled, more lockdowns and back to eating banana bread for breakfast, little jobs are bound to slip through the cleaning cracks.

Don’t fret, though. We are here to help. The trick to getting your house ready for spring is to start small, as to avoid overwhelm. And what better place to start than your kitchen. Together with our friends over at Bio-D, we’ve concocted a fool proof plan to get your kitchen spick and span in no time.

Put aside a day

We know… why would you want to spend the whole day cleaning? Well, you’ll be surprised how long it can take to fully clean a kitchen, big or small. A whole day now, means less jobs down the line. Start by making a list of all the cleaning goals you want to achieve that day and get cracking on.

Ditch the plastic & gather your sustainable cleaning kit

Now you’ve decided what day to set aside it’s time to get your tools assembled. Make sure you have everything you need to clean all areas of your kitchen. Give yourself an added bonus of making your repertoire of tools eco-friendly and gentle on the planet.

We love starting a kitchen clean with getting the sink sparkling. Try combining Bio-D’s multi surface sanitiser with our Seep loofah cloth for a shiny finish to your sink. Bio-D’s sanitisers are derived from natural ingredients and, literally, don’t cost the earth. Designed to kill 99.9% of any harmful bacteria, so you can rest assured your kitchen will be free from any nasties going into your spring clean. 

Eco-friendly cleaning sprays like these are plant-based and help avoid using strong chemicals on surfaces, especially where cooking and food prep is going to happen on a regular basis. 

You will probably come across some tough stains during your spring clean. Whether that be on dishes, surfaces or even tea towels. Our plastic-free sponges with loofah scourer are the perfect addition to your arsenal to scrub off those stubborn stains. Even better knowing that there’s no microplastics going down the drain, and you can just chuck them in the wash when they get a little too grubby. 

Read more about what’s in your plastic sponges on The Seep Blog. 

Remember, everywhere is going to need a scrub 

On the surface, it may look like you’re on top of the scrubbing. However, kitchens can sneakily get grubbier without us knowing. Think grease, dust and mold. Disgusting right? 

Going into your spring clean with the knowledge that you’re going to have to clean everywhere saves you from any nasty surprises during your clean. Some places that build up dirt without us knowing are cupboards, inside your toaster, and under cabinets. 

Bio-D’s all purpose sanitiser is great for cleaning those forgotten areas and keeping them sparkling for longer (which means less cleaning for you!). 

Don’t forget your floors 

When you’re standing back admiring all of your hard cleaning work, it’s easy to forget about the dirtiest place of all: The kitchen floor. Kitchen floors accumulate mess like nowhere else, so it’s important to deep clean to avoid stickiness and mouldy food. 

Our all-purpose loofah cloths can be attached mops and paired with Bio-D’s floor cleaner for an enviable floor clean. If there’s still some grub, you may have to switch to our loofah scourers to really get deep in those crevices.